Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Turtles of Grayskull Sla'ker

I've actually had the first two waves of the Turtles of Grayskull for months, but Sla'ker's arrival demanded action, so we're starting here. Faker was a favorite Masters of the Universe action figure of my childhood, so this bizarre '80s mash-up really grabbed me.

Sla'ker came with build-a-figure parts for Metal-Boto, and an over-sized collector card- not sure I'll find all the other parts to assemble the BAF, but most of this can be interchanged with the MOTU Origins, a play feature throughout the line that made it an instant favorite of mine in 2020. Sla'ker's armor is removeable, as is the shell, which doubles as a shield. The headband/mask ribbon pegged onto the head is articulated as well.

Below, Sla'ker with my MOTU Origins Faker, dwarfed by the over-sized Turtles of Grayskull figure. Both have tampographs of their control panels printed on their chests. Super fun having these together!

I never had a Snake Mountain in the '80s, but Sla'ker fits great with this fantastic playset!

And finally, Sla'ker Vs. my Playmates Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
who just showed up in the Party Wagon! More Turtles of Grayskull later!

More Later- Make It FUN!