These MiniMates are based on a series of video games created by Capcom in which characters created by Marvel Comics and Capcom's own characters appear together, Series 3 based on the third version, Fate of Two Worlds. While I'm not a gamer, these two sets had some colorful characters that looked fun to me.
A MiniMate version of blue/yellow Astonishing Wolvie was definitely something I was into, and while I knew nothing of Viewtiful Joe, his fun factor was not lost on me...
Equally hilarious is this impossibly cute Wolverine- I guess there are five or six other blue/yellow Wolverines floating around in the Super-DuperToyBox, and it's because I like that color scheme on him, whether it's classic tiger stripe, Astonishing version, or blue and gold training uniform from 1991. Don't get me wrong: I still love the old brown/yellow, and the X-Force silver/black rocks too, but the blue/yellow works so well that it's undergone the most reinterpretations. See Logan's costume history at IGN!
Perhaps even more interesting was this Magneto/Zero set, full of both personality and great accessories, including to bases, one a flight stand!
According to Wikipedia, Zero is a video game character present throughout the Mega Man franchise, first appearing in the 1993 game Mega Man X for the Super Nintendo. His Z-saber, Z-buster cannon mounted at the end of his right arm, and chunky red and white armor and anime eye treatment give Zero a classic manga feel. Finned ponytail end and Z-saber are echoed in the stylization of his helmet, which give this guy great unity throughout his design. The heft of his arm cannon and shoulder overlay restrict his articulation a little, but the oversized boots add to his stability. Zero has a ton of detail packed into his tiny 2 1/4" frame- Awesome!
Partnered with Zero in this killer 2-pack is classic Magneto, the universally loved Marvel supervillain. As the conflicted mutant, at odds with the X-Men and human race which fears them both, Magneto represents some sort archetypal antihero gone bad that's makes his psychology more interesting than your average comics scoundrel.
If you are into MiniMates, I'd wholeheartedly recommend these really fun 2-packs, Capcom fan or not- the colors, unique characters, and great accessories make them well worth the eight to ten bucks you'll likely find them for. So Great!
More Later-Make It FUN!
I really like that Wolverine!
ReplyDeleteWill those Magnetic purple things fit on a Marvel Universe 3 inch Magneto?
ReplyDeleteProbably not very securely, HobGob-