Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Toy Case

I gave in and ordered a glass case for the toys a couple weeks ago, and it finally came in today. I have hundreds of dollars invested in these guys and wanted to keep them clean and organized, as opposed to scatted all over my room. It's quite heavy, with tempered glass on the sides and shelves, and has a glass door that closes with two small magnets at the top and bottom. This was just what I'd been looking for all over town but could not find anywhere. It took me a good two hours to put together due to the somewhat vague diagrams, but now my toys have a nice place to live where I can look at them while keeping them clean. Mission Accomplished- Hooray!

The only problem now is that the thing is already quite full! Good Lord, what have I got myself into?


  1. Looking GREAT :) that's how I got into the situation I'm in right now Ha Ha

  2. Cool toy display case. Where did you get it?

  3. Oh, yeah sorry: www.costercompany.com
    Alex, when i look at you and BubbaShelby's inventory i become very afraid... about my future! LOL! No, it's all good- i'm really having FUN :)

  4. oops, i meant Chunky B... he's cleaning house right now- see the mountains of toys at Eclectorama :D

  5. Very nice display. They have something similar to this unit at IKEA as well, I have always wanted to pick one up.

    You are on your way down a very slippery slope, but it's a fun ride, you have the right attitude though.
