Tuesday, February 25, 2025

MOTU Masterverse New Eternia Panthor

 Like everyone, I was excited to hear about Mattel Creations releasing a Masterverse Panthor, and the thing did not disappoint! The box art is magnificent, front and back, which continues onto the inner slip panel, which features a panoramic scene of Snake Mountain on the verso:

The overall metallic sheen of Panhor and his armor make the whole thing sizzle, bringing out the texture in the sculpt. The horned bracers on the front legs and spear are nice extras. Panthor's green eyes are really a standout, set back under their realistic, glassy depth. Really nice. Additionally, his upper fangs drop down when you open the cat's jaw. Panthor also has subtle leopard pattern over his body, largely covered by his saddle and helmet.

This Panthor was made to carry my Masterverse New Eternia Battle Armor Skeletor ...!

Below, Masterverse New Eternia Battle Armor Skeletor and Panthor with my MOTU Origins Battle Armor Skeletor and Panthor. I also have had the MOTU Origins Collector's Edition Flocked Panthor boxed since 2021! 

Below, Masterverse New Eternia Panthor with my Masterverse Revelation Battle Cat and Revolution Battle Armor He-Man! I got my Battle Cat at 50% off retail, but some collectors have wondered aloud if we will see a New Eternia Battle Cat- is there a demand for it like Panthor? I suppose it's possible, and while I'm happy enough with my Revelation Battle Cat for now, Panthor superior in presentation and features.

At forty bucks plus six ninety-five to ship, I say this deluxe Panthor is a good value- a beautiful toy that MOTU collectors have been waiting a long time to get. The perfect steed to my Battle Armor Skeletor and looks great next to my Battle Cat. Recommended!

More Later- Make It FUN!

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