A topic of some debate regarding Deadpool is his trigger fingers... with no guns included. It's been argued that perhaps he was known less for his marksmanship in the early days, but his 1st appearance in New Mutants #98 shows him on the cover brandishing a firearm, so that's not really true. I say find a gun or two and arm him!
The buck on this figure is excellent, with all the articulation I could ever want, notably the butterfly joints at the shoulders. I've heard complaints about his overly slender build compared to the previous X-Men Deadpool, but he looks buff enough to me.
Deadpool's katana stay in his grip and in the sheaths on his back securely, no matter his pose, which is key. I've heard complaints about the short length of the blades, but that doesn't bother me. It may be that this is a sort of "bonus" Deadpool, having seen at least four renditions of the character from Hasbro in the last couple years, but I like the variety. If you see this Deadpool, pick him up!
Below, Deadpool with the recent modern Black Widow I just posted on:
More Later- Make It FUN!