Tuesday, August 20, 2024

MOTU Ladies of the Masterverse


Doing a little catch-up on some of the MOTU Masterverse figures I've collected in the last year, I decided to dedicate this post to the Ladies. I already had the second Masterverse Teela that more closely evoked the character's original design, but I saw some positive reviews on the first Revelation Teela, and I got her at half price. I love the leathery texture on her boots and her punky haircut. A lot of fans wanted the traditional Teela and rejected her, but this first version has its own vibe. 

Below, Teela battles Mer-Man- another second version of a character 
that appealed more to longtime MOTU fans...

I was really more interested in Andra, but thought Teela would pair well with her- they look like modern Star Wars characters, which works fine, Masters of the Universe originally designed as a cross between sci-fi and fantasy/swords and sorcery. Andra definitely has a Boba Fett vibe, even a weapon gauntlet and green helmet. I love the human head a lot as well.

Below, Teela and Andra with Battle Cat and Prince Adam...!

I can't explain what drove me to buy both these Evil-Lyn figures- the second version has a weird paint deco, but I liked the bat cowl and cape. the first version is more like the original character design in this rare instance, and she included an alternative long-haired head.

Below, the second Masterverse Evil-Lyn with the first Masterverse Skeletor...

I should probably buy Frost to go with this Catra figure. Now I wasn't a Princess of Power fan in the '80s, but it's MOTU-adjacent, so I mix a few in my collection occasionally. I liked Catra's sassy red outfit and sculpt on her bodice- Kind of a Scarlet Witch vibe...

Catra also has Magneto's coloring ...

I'm not sure the consensus was positive regarding Sorceress' cape, and while it substantially compromises articulation, as does the rubber skirt, but there's enough for me to work with. I like her overall presentation, which stays true to her design as a core character of Masters of the Universe.

Below, Masterverse Sorceress with my MOTU Origins Sorceress and Zoar ...!

Again, unfamiliar with the Princess of Power lore, I picked up Shadow Weaver for five bucks at Five Below, so there was little to lose. Regardless, I really like the look of this character, which could fit in with other figure lines, like Dungeons and Dragons.

Below, Catra and Shadow Weaver with my other 
Masterverse Princess of Power figures, She-Ra and Hordak... 

As of today, you can still get most all these figures at a deep discount, which I'd probably recommend- your mileage may vary. I was late to the initial Masterverse launch, but I've found most of what I was interested in. I think the extended availability and deep discounts are mostly due to the oversaturated franchise with two animated shows and action figure lines, coupled with a crowded action figure market in general. You can still get in on collecting Masterverse, and I likely haven't bought my last. 

More Later- Make It FUN!

1 comment:

  1. The Boba Fett-type one looks interesting, though I think the helmet is a little more Iron Man adjacent. If I saw her or some of the others at Five Below I might snap them up. I should probably stop there sometime; I'm always forgetting to do that.

    I was never huge into He-Man in the 80s but for some reason one Christmas season my mom told everyone I was so I got a bunch of that and then (perhaps subconsciously) left most of it behind at a family gathering. No idea who ended up with them but I hope they enjoyed them more.
