Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Turtles of Grayskull Mouse-Jaw, 2-Bopsteady, Splinter-Skull, Metal-Boto

After finding Splinter-Skull and2-Bopsteady at retail recently, I backtracked to pick up Mouse-Jaw to complete my Turtles of Grayskull Metal-Boto build-a-figure. While I already had Sla-ker, I had no intention of trying to complete the BAF, but once it was within reach, I made it happen in short order.

Splinter-Skull is a King Grayskull/Splinter mashup, pictured below with my MOTU Origins King Randor and the "Temple of Darkness" Sorceress in Castle Grayskull...

Below, Splinter-Skull atop Battle Cat from my Battlefield Warriors set....

Splinter-Skull encounters the Spirit of Grayskull from my 

Nothing in my collection really compares with 2-Bopsteady. I have limited TMNT knowledge, and as little with MOTU Two Bad, which appeared in 1985, just before Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles became the cartoon/toy/movie property juggernaut we know today around 1987. I was a teenager by then, so Bebop and Rocksteady held little nostalgia for me. Regardless, I like this action figure- the morning star on the chain and big blade that sheathes onto his back make him a great baddie!

Below, 2-Bopsteady captured my MOTU Origins "Lords of Power" Beastman...

The second of the Target-Exclusive Metal-Boto BAF figures, Mouse Jaw didn't initially appeal to me, though his Mouser/Micro-Bot accessory and the way it integrates into Mouse-Jaw's robotic arm rocks:

Though most of the figure's inspiration is derived from it, Mouse-Jaw 
has a lot of new parts that are different than my MOTU Origins Trap Jaw...

Mouse-Jaw also shares aspects of another MOTU figure, Terror Claws Skeletor:

And honorable mention, Turtles of Grayskull Sla'ker, who I reviewed nearly six months ago, and up to that point, the only figure of these I had. With little intent to complete Metal-Boto, I had picked Sla'ker up solely on its merits as a big, fun action figure. Picture below, Sla'ker with my Masterverse Faker and MOTU Origins Faker...

And finally, Metal-Boto, the build-a-figure for which all its parts were interspersed among Mouse-Jaw, 2-Bopsteady, Splinter-Skull, and Sla'ker. a lot of accessories to fit into the wrists and various ports, including smaller peg adapters for the wrists. The green cover can be removed to show the working gears, activated when the waist is turns, as does the red jaw. Splinter-Skull's shield fits onto Metal-Boto's back for a golden shell!

Metal-Boto has a buncha new parts but is mashup of TMNT Metalhead and MOTU Roboto- pictured below in from of my MOTU Origins Castle Grayskull, Wave 3 Roboto, and Minicomic Roboto...

I've actually had the first two waves of the Turtles of Grayskull line on ice and am seriously considering pre-ordering the third and fourth. When the subline was revealed, I thought it was an easy "pass", but I'm unexpectedly charmed with them, as I was the Masters of the WWE Universe crossover with MOTU Origins. It's a testament to the Origins line, its interchangeable parts, and it's overall playability. Still a favorite of mine four years later and fitting it should be the last post of 2024! Happy New Year! 

More Later- Make It FUN!


  1. Man, If I had the space! These are great looking figures. Splinter's just badazz!
    Happy New Year, Colin ;)
