Doc Samson was created by author Roy Thomas and artist Herb Trimpe in 1971, a psychiatrist who became affected by the same gamma that made Bruce Banner the Hulk while attempting to cure the scientist by siphoning the radiation from his body. Leonard Skivorski, Jr. then became the mighty Doc Samson! 2008 was the second year for Hasbro producing Marvel Legends, the rest of the Hulk Series more interesting than Doc here, but his presence was complementary, and helped Hasbro build that monstrous Fin Fang Foom BAF.
Of course my new 14.5" Hulk should make an appearance if we are showcasing Doc Samson ...
And while we have the Marvel Legends out, Hulk and Doc below with a few other favorites- Modern Thor, Commander Steve Rogers, and Iron Man III Series Iron Patriot ...
More Later- Make It FUN!