Saturday, August 26, 2023

Marvel Legends Dump -August 2023

 I didn't get all of these figures in August, but most of them I did, so I felt it was a good time to dump a bunch of them onto the blog!

Spider-Man 2 (Gamerverse)
I was disappointed in missing out on the first Gamerverse Spider-Man at GameStop a couple years ago, so getting this upgraded model was sweet. He came with several web accessories and has all the articulation you'd want in a Spider-Man figure, including a toe joint.

Above: Spider-Man Vs. The Lizard   Below: Spider-Man with my Gamerverse Velocity Suit Spider-Man and Spider Armor Mark III form the Marvel Legends Demogoblin Wave...

Quantumania Ultron
I'm not sure why Ultron was in this wave, but collectors who missed out on the Classic Ultron we got in 2021 with the Ursa Major BAF Wave will be glad to see him. His head sculpt is slightly different, and he is sculpted in that swirly metallic plastic instead of painted silver. Below, Quantumania Ultron pictured with Disney + What-If... Ulton BAF and my Classic Ultron...

Guardians of the Galaxy Yondu
I hate exclusives as much as the next collector, but I didn't have any problem preordering this Target Exclusive Yondu. What a presentation- live the color on this figure! He pairs nicely with the Walmart Exclusive Star-Lord we just got!

Moon Knight (Modern)
I've been a fan of Moon Knight since reading about him in Spectacular Spider-Man back in the '70s, and this modern interpretation hits all the right notes. I'm unsure what I'm supposed to do with the extra-small crescent accessories he came with, but he was packed with other useful weapons.

Below, Modern Comics Moon Knight flanked by Disney+ Moon Knight and Mr. Knight:

Heroes Return Iron Man/Model 01 Iron Man
How many Iron Man figures does a Marvel Legends collector need? Apparently two more!

Above: Model 01 Iron Man Vs. my ToyBiz 1st Appearance Hulk
Below: Heroes Return Iron Man with Iron Spider

Below, Heroes Return Iron Man and Model 01 Iron Man with some of the other Marvel Legends Iron Men I've collected in the last 3 years: Iron Man 2020   80th Anniversary Classic Iron Man   Modular Iron Man   Model 70 Iron Man   War Machine   Silver Centurion   Stealth Iron Man ...

Avengers: Beyond Earth's Mightiest Heroes Captain Marvel Vs. Doctor Doom 2pk
I read Secret Wars back in the '80s and was particularly fixated on this version of Doctor Doom that looks like the Mattel Secret Wars figure I had then. I was thrilled to see this set solicited a few months ago, and it did not disappoint!

Below: Monica Rambeau Captain Marvel with Mar-Vell Captain Marvel

Hasbro went all the way with Doom, including a Victor Von Doom head sculpt, collapsed hoodie accessory, and mask so we can relive issue #11 of Secret Wars "The Face of Doom" like it's 1985! So good ...!

Below, Secret Wars Doom with my Marvel Legends Classic Doctor Doom

Avengers: Beyond Earth's Mightiest Heroes Black Widow
And finally, a figure I picked up while shooting the rest of these, the newest Marvel Legends Black Widow. I passed on this figure in a local Target a couple weeks ago, but circled back to scoop her up- with three head sculpts, pinless joints (double hinged elbows as well), and all her other weapons/accessories, she is the Black Widow to have in your collection.

The 2018 Marvel Legends Black Widow also had an alternate head with a '60s/retro hairdo ...

Below, Beyond Earth's Mightiest Heroes Black Widow with my 2020 Walmart Exclusive Black Widow, Deadly Origin Black Widow and 2018 Black Widow w/Cycle

I'd have a difficult time choosing a favorite out of this bunch, but it might be the Secret Wars Doom Vs. Captain Marvel 2-pk. I'd love to have a 12" version of that Doom! Honorable mentions to the Model 01 Iron Man, Yondu, and Black Widow, but they are all pretty fantastic. Marvel Legends have become more expensive, but they often rival import-quality figures in the last few years. 

More Later- Make It FUN!

1 comment:

  1. Monica Rambeau needs to get the action figure treatment more often. In fact I don't think she has more than 3 or 4 right now. That Doom is awesome, too!
